If you’re working or looking for work, visit our employment page for information and advice on job-seeking, telling your boss and/or colleagues about your epilepsy, as well as managing your epilepsy in the workplace.
To increase your chances of landing the job you want, there are some things you can do:
– Focus on your abilities and strengths
– Emphasise your accomplishments (for example, in previous jobs or volunteer roles)
– Understand how/if/when you need to tell your employer about your epilepsy
– Know your rights
There are laws that protect young people’s rights in the workplace covering things like hours, pay, and leave. To make sure that you are not being treated unfairly in the workplace, it’s good to understand what your rights are. Employment New Zealand has plenty of resources for understanding the law, including discrimination in the workplace.
While you might not identify as having a disability, the broad legal definition of ‘disability’ helps ensure that you are protected from unfair treatment. If you need some free legal advice for your situation, you can contact a local community law service.