SeizureSmart Online Learning

 Please Note- We are implementing a new SeizureSmart Learning portal so Access is currently unavailable

If you would like to complete the training, please e-mail and we will add you to a waiting list for when we have our new system

SeizureSmart Training

 Epilepsy New Zealand offers evidence-based online training that can be completed at your own pace. Our programmes increase awareness and understanding of epilepsy in the community, whilst providing the unpinning knowledge of how to support a person living with epilepsy in education, aged care, workplaces, disability, and primary health environments.

We currently offer online training courses for Schools and Workplaces.

We went to ensure that no one living with epilepsy “goes it alone”.

Are you ready to start the journey to become SeizureSmart?


 Access SEizureSmart Online Learning Here


 To find out about FREE SeizureSmart Schools Training – See more HERE


For more information or if you have a question please contact




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