Where triggers can be identified, there is more opportunity to manage seizure occurrence, risks and safety.  

Some common seizure triggers include:

  • missed medication
  • sleep deprivation – being overtired, not getting enough sleep or not sleeping well
  • stress
  • infection or illness
  • hormonal changes (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause)
  • dehydration
  • low blood sugar 
  • alcohol or illicit drug use
  • use of certain medications
  • bright, flashing or flickering lights.(photo-sensitivity)

Keeping track of when seizures occur, (such as the time of day or night), what you were doing leading up to the seizure and how you were feeling can be very helpful to recognise any triggers or patterns to your seizures. This information should be shared with your doctor to help develop strategies that may lessen the number of seizures you experience. Epilepsy New Zealand can provide you with a seizure diary; please phone your regional educator 0800 374537 (office hours) alternatively there are many phone apps and/or devices where you can record seizure activity (Read the reviews to select the best app for your needs).

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