Hosting your own event is a great way to support our cause in your own way! If would like support with holding your event, Epilepsy New Zealand is here to help you every step of the way.
We would love your support! Phone us on 0800374537 for a chat about your fundraiser or email us at
Hosting your own event is as easy as 1-2-3!
Step 1: Choose a theme
There are many types of activities that are great for fundraising events.
A few of the popular ones are:
Dress up day at school, workplace or community
Bake sale or morning tea
Raffle or Auction
Games like slime the teacher, mural painting
Fun run, sports tournament, bike ride, walk.
For more information, see https-epilepsy-org-nz-you-can-help-support-our-current-appeal-purple-day-2023/purple-day-2023/
Step 2: Register your fundraiser with us
Once your event is registered with us, we will send you an Authority to Fundraise. Print and fill out the fundraising registration form , e mail it back to and then you’ll be officially up and running with your event!
Epilepsy NZ Purple Day Fundraising Registration Form Create your Own
Step 3: Finishing your fundraiser
Congratulations on completing your fundraiser! Let us know how you got on. We would love to see your photos
You can send us funds you raised in a number of ways. Either deposit the funds using the bank account and transfer details at the bottom of the registration form or make a donation. Please refer to our Make a Donation page for details.