A brief summary of key allowances are presented below, most will have an eligibility criteria that needs to be met, so please follow the links for each, to find out more.  

Needs Assessment & Service Coordination

For full funding for an individual a Needs Assessment & Service Coordination services (NASCs) are typically the first step for a person to get government-funded disability support services. Find your local NASC organisation, get a referral form, complete the referral form, and
your NASC will contact you. Find out more information here.

Disability Allowance 

The Disability Allowance is a weekly payment for people who have regular, ongoing costs because of a disability, such as visits to the doctor or hospital, medicines, extra clothing or travel. Find out more here . To find out what it may cover if you are eligible visit here  (there will be additional criteria to meet to obtain some of these supports)

Child Disability Allowance

Child Disability Allowance is a fortnightly payment made to the main carer of a child or young person with a serious disability. It is paid in recognition of the extra care and attention needed for that child. Find out more here 

Residential Support Subsidy

Residential Support Subsidy is a payment that helps with the cost of residential support for a person with a physical, sensory, intellectual, psychiatric disability (including drug and alcohol rehabilitation) or long-term chronic health condition who needs residential care as a result. Find out more here

Unable to work 

If you have to stop work because of a health condition, injury or disability you will need a medical certificate from your health practitioner, eg your doctor, to tell us how your health condition or disability affects your ability to work. Find out more here

Supported Living Payment

You may be able to get a Supported Living Payment if you’re caring for a person at home who would otherwise need hospital-level, rest home or residential care (or the equivalent). This includes caring for your own child but not your partner. Find out more here 

Health-related travel and accommodation costs

Help  with travel costs if they are for a one-off appointment, eg day surgery or consultations.Criteria applies.Find out more here

Total Mobility 

The Total Mobility scheme is available to eligible individuals. They will be entitled to discounts off transport fares with approved operators. Individuals wishing to access the scheme must meet the eligibility criteria set. Find out more here or phone Epilepsy New Zealand 0800 374537 office hours

Concession and Health Care Cards

The Community Services Card can help you and your family with the costs of health care. Find out more here 

Various regions have their own access cards for reduced fees for recreation/sports and leisure activities, mobility parking or transportation. Your local citizens advice, library or council may be able to tell you more. Some examples include: Canterbury- Hapai Access Card , Auckland – accessible concession transport , Mobility Permit,  over 65s Super Gold Card


All schools receive funding from the Ministry of Education to support students with special needs. The Ministry of Education can also provide additional funding and resources to support individual children who are identified as having high needs this includes:

  • The Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) provides support for students with the highest ongoing levels of need for specialist support. .
  • School High Health Needs Fund (SHHNF) supports students at school and kura who have significant health conditions. 
  • Assistive technology (AT), specialised equipment that students with additional learning needs use in class to increase or improve their ability to participate and learn.
  • Physical Disability Service, which works with teachers and schools to help them to adapt the environment around a student to meet the students’ needs.
  • Specialised School Transport Assistance (SESTA) is a service provided by the Ministry of Education that assists children and young people with safety and/or mobility needs that prevent them from travelling independently to school.

*If you feel we have missed out an important funding scheme or allowance please let us know and Email us at:  national@epilepsy.org.nz

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