Flexibility Arrangement

The flexibility arrangement depends on a few factors, including the needs of the employee, the capacities and resources of the employer, and the nature of the workplace. Depending on the situation, examples of a flexibility arrangement could include:

  • Flexible starting times. This could be an effective solution for people who experience nocturnal seizures, or experience irregular seizure activity or seizure ‘clusters’
  • Different starting and finishing times. This may be helpful for workers who cannot drive, or for those who experience seizure activity at particular times of day 
  • Flexible location of work. Many employees are better able to achieve the goals of their position in a home environment, rather than a traditional office. This is also becoming a more popular arrangement across a number of professions. Some people living with epilepsy may also find working from home helps them better manage their condition 
  • Consistent work shifts. Many people with epilepsy use regular and routine self-management strategies, and consistency of work can help support this.  

If they fall within certain categories, employees who have worked with the same employer for at least 12 months can request flexible arrangements. This includes parents, carers and people who have a disability.

If you are an employee or employer who has a problem at work, it is best to try to resolve the problem together.first. If you cannot solve it you can get help from both government and other organisations. Some of this help is free. Support and advice around this can be found at the Te Kawanatanga O Aotearoa


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