In 2017, the Government introduced legislation, visit external website to develop a medicinal cannabis industry in New Zealand and make products more accessible. Regulations to support that Bill, visit external website came into force on 1 April 2020.
Cannabis products can vary significantly in chemical compositions and their actions on people. This variation may be due to the plant variety, cultivation (e.g. hydroponics, pesticides) processing, and the individual.
Cannabis products currently prescribed in New Zealand are made to a standard, which will indicate their chemical composition and the manufacturing standards under which they were produced. Where a medical practitioner wishes to prescribe a cannabis product, they must apply for approval from the Ministry of Health (except in the case Sativex which is an approved Medicine).
In New Zealand The Medicinal Cannabis Agency administers the Medicinal Cannabis Scheme and ensures medicinal cannabis products meet the minimum quality standard.
For more information About Medicinal Cannabis in New Zealand follow the links below:
Ministry of Health Medicinal Cannabis Agency
Medicinal Cannabis Agency – Information for health professionals
Legalising cannabis in Aotearoa New Zealand: What does the evidence say?