Generally, the ambulance operator will ask a range of questions when you call for medical assistance. If you have the person’s Seizure Management Plan (SMP) this can assist with responding to questions, but don’t leave the person to get the Plan – if someone is nearby ask them to do this.

When to call an ambulance PDF

General questions that the ambulance operator may ask usually :

  • What is the exact location of the emergency (provide an accurate location – e.g. business name, school name, road name and number)?
  • What is your contact phone number?
  • What is the problem? What exactly happened?
  • What is the age of the person needing the ambulance?
  • Is the person conscious?
  • Is the person breathing?

Questions asked in response to an epilepsy-related emergency usually include:

  • Has the person had more than one seizure?
  • Is the person known to have epilepsy?
  • Did the person hit their head or injure themselves during the seizure?
  • Has the convulsion (jerking) stopped yet?
  • If it is not a convulsive seizure, how many other types of seizures has the person had and over what time?
  • Is the person pregnant?
  • Does the person have diabetes or have a history of heart problems?

The operator will often stay on the line with you until the ambulance arrives. However, if you are disconnected call 111 immediately if the person’s condition changes. Be prepared to commence CPR if the person stops breathing.

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