SeizureSmart Youth

 Epilepsy New Zealand offers evidence-based online training that can be completed at your own pace. Our programmes increase awareness and understanding of epilepsy in the community, whilst providing the unpinning knowledge of how to support a person living with epilepsy in education, aged care, workplaces, disability, and primary health environments.

We went to ensure that no one living with epilepsy “goes it alone”.

Are you ready to start the journey to become SeizureSmart?

SeizureSmart Youth is a pilot program we offer young people as they transition from school to the workforce.

There are 2 courses included as part of SeizureSmart Youth

Introduction to Epilepsy

This online module will provide participants with the basic skills and knowledge required to support an individual living with epilepsy

Working with Epilepsy

This online module is designed to support people living with epilepsy to find and retain employment in the workplace. The module provides practical advice on identifying job opportunities, searching for a job and preparing for an interview. It also outlines the workplace rights and responsibilities of someone living with epilepsy.

We have funding for youth to do this training in the Wellington region. If you live in this region, you can access free training by emailing  your full name and e-mail to

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