People often have specific plans for their retirement, and being diagnosed with epilepsy can seem like a big obstacle in achieving their goals, although it doesn’t have to be.
You may have had epilepsy for a while, but it is a good idea to consider how your epilepsy will be managed around your new routines. It is normal to get used to managing your epilepsy in a certain way – your employer, for example, might be a key person who supports you. In retirement, you may have opportunities to spend your time with different people, in brand new settings, or even catch up on some much needed ‘me time’ at home. Whatever your situation, make sure there are people around who understand your epilepsy, and can look out for you in an emergency.
With an increasing retirement age, it is likely that more people over 65 will be diagnosed with epilepsy while still working. This can cause anxieties about job security, transition to retirement, or discussing your epilepsy with your employer. It is important to remember that your rights in the workplace are protected under law. Please see our employment and epilepsy section for a range of information and advice.