Person-centred care is a key value of Epilepsy New Zealand, and it is also an integral part of disability and community support worker practice.
Understanding a client’s individual needs and how epilepsy may impact on their life is important to ensure they feel safe and supported, and are able to make informed decisions about the care provided. It is important that healthcare discussions and decisions take into account their life experience, values, culture, interests, beliefs and goals.
If a person has communication difficulties, consider use of our Easy English tools to assist the person to share information about seizure activity, treatment side-effect and any concerns they may have regarding their epilepsy. These tools can be found on our Know Me, Support Me Resources page.
Good communication is essential to supporting someone with epilepsy. Ensure that you voice any concerns you have with the appropriate person or people, which may include the person with epilepsy, a parent/guardian and your supervisor.