Epilepsy support groups are an opportunity to share epilepsy experiences and connect. A support group may help increase epilepsy understanding and awareness.
Local in person support groups are regional and often dependent on interest from the community.
If you would like to volunteer as a support coordinator please contact one of our educators.
Please find current support groups below.
Region | Educator | Contact email | Details of Support Group |
Western Bay of Plenty | Christine Sligo | westernbop@epilepsy.org.nz
Tauranga Support Group is held every two months at the Central Baptist Hall in Tauranga. |
Otago | Leanne Stuff | otago@epilepsy.org.nz
Dunedin Support Group meets once a month at lunch time. |
Waikato | Catherine Wightman | waikato@epilepsy.org.nz
Hamilton Support Group currently has a mid-monthly meeting. This may be re-scheduled on a needs be basis.
Tokoroa Support Group takes places approximately every four months. |
Northland Whangarei | Reokore Johnson | northland@epilepsy.org.nz | Whangarei Epilepsy Support Group runs every fortnight 10am -12:30pm on a Tuesday. Location is through the Civic Arcade upstairs in the building that has the sign outside with Epilepsy/MS/Dyslexia. All ages welcome. |
Nelson / Marlborough | Theresa Kidd-Foley | nelson-marlborough@epilepsy.org.nz | Chill & Chat in Community Matters Space
Motueka Public Library: Richmond Library: Elma Turner Library Nelson: |